Student Testimonials

Student Testimonials

Jimena Molina ’19

My name is Jimena Molina, I’m from Fayetteville, GA. I was part of NHA’s Class of 2019. 我目前在鲍登BTT365读大二,学习性别研究和中文. Before that however, I took a gap year to learn Mandarin with the U.S. 美国国务院NSLI-Y(国家安全语言青年倡议)项目.  

As a first-generation Mexican American, 国家历史BTT365是我一生中影响最大的经历之一. 这个项目让我得以探索东海岸著名的博物馆和历史遗迹! 我的经历在很多方面把我从一个当时害羞的BTT365生变成了一个现在蓬勃发展的大学生. 在研读哈佛商BTT365案例的过程中,我加强了自己的分析能力, 每次参加“善良的天使”议会式的辩论,我都提高了演讲技巧, 并受到BTT365请来的众多演讲嘉宾的启发. I left NHA with lifelong friendships, a toolbox filled with skills for college, and most importantly, a greater appreciation for history.  

能获得如此深刻的教育经历,我感到无比幸运. I encourage all of you to take the first step and apply! 

Devaughn Henry ‘ 22

大家好,我叫德沃恩·亨利,是一名来自弗吉尼亚东海岸的大三学生. I was a member of NHA in 2022. 我希望能去UVA学习历史,成为一名律师. 历史一直是吸引我的东西,因为它很有趣,我们每天都在经历它. Where I live, 像NHA这样的机会并不多,在那里你可以与志同道合的人分享你的想法并进行交流.

在NHA让我有能力与那些我从未见过或认识的人建立联系并建立终身友谊, but it also helped me solidify my choice to major in History. 在一个月的课程中有很多回忆,但我不得不说我最喜欢的是我们在课堂上分享我们对事情的看法,并进行公开、大声的讨论,这是你在正常课堂上无法得到的.


Elias McEaneney ‘ 22

Howdy there everybody! 我的名字是Elias McEaneney,我现在是俄亥俄州马西伦市杰克逊BTT365的一名高三学生. I will be attending Bowdoin College as part of the Class of 2027, where I intend to major in history and sociology!

国立历史BTT365确实是我一生中影响最大的经历之一. 我来自这样一所学校,在那里,历史并不被优先考虑,只被视为度过每一年并毕业的必要条件. NHA意味着要去一个地方,在那里我周围的每个人都对我们来自的地方有着深深的热情. More importantly though, we were all unique individuals whose passions in history overlapped, but were distinct. I learned more about not just American history as a whole, but military history, mythology, governmental history, revolutionary history, and so much more from my peers. I was able to make a number of different friends, all of whom I keep in contact to today, despite the distance that might separate us.

NHA的实地考察、民间话语和案例分析绝对让我着迷. 它不仅改变了我对历史的看法,而且改变了我对整个国家的看法.

Ivy ’22

My name is Ivy, I’m from Lawrence, Massachusetts, and I attended National History Academy during the summer of 2022! 有机会去NHA是一个我永远不会忘记的经历,并将永远感激它. When I first got there on day one, 我知道我做了一个正确的决定,在那个令人难以置信的环境中度过我的夏天. 参加夏令营让我置身于一个知识分子批判性地分析我们国家以及我们如何成为未来的变革者和领导者的空间. At NHA, we had opportunities to go to museums, presidential homes, and other locations to reflect upon how our nation was built, the principles surrounding it, and how it affects us today. 听到鼓舞人心和杰出的领导人来分享他们的故事是非常有启发的,让我们了解事件是如何发生的,以及为什么它们总是重要的. NHA helped me develop my own voice and made me recognize how extremely important it is to use my voice for the greater good; in fact, it’s a necessity for all of us to speak up and work towards a healthier nation. I also loved the environment and supportiveness that camp offered. 我知道,如果有人需要就影响我们今天的问题进行深入的讨论,人们总是会在那里. We can’t turn a blind eye on those situations. NHA让我对某些科目有了更深刻的理解,这些科目有时会被BTT365忽视,并且没有给予必要的关注. I was able to grasp subjects such as the enslavement of Africans in America, ERA(争取女性平等权利的运动)和民权运动. 我从NHA学到的是,永远不要失去你改变世界的激情和目标. It’s up to our generation to wake up change and never let us sleep again. I highly recommend attending NHA. It will change your life forever. I am so glad I went!

Trey Jennings ’22

My name is Trey Jennings, and I’m from Boise, Idaho. 我是一名BTT365三年级学生,明年即将获得大专学位. 我在2022年参加了NHA,当我说这段经历改变了我的生活时,一点也不夸张!

Overall, I entered the program very social from the start, something that even I can admit isn’t very common, but I really wanted to get to know everyone in those four weeks. This exact trait would be the catalyst to my learning. I met people from all around the US and even the globe, 我和这些人的互动极大地开阔了我的视野. It’s common to be told that we must look at issues from both sides, but one thing I learned is that a lot of times, we don’t, or when we do, we stay domestic. 我学到的最重要的一课是解决这个问题——我们需要能够放眼全局——尽可能放眼全局, because what may seem like one thing to you, may be ten things to the people around you.

Simply put, NHA taught me open-mindedness. It taught me acceptance. It taught me self-confidence. It taught me leadership. It taught me life and that everything comes from something, whether that’s a physical object, an objective claim, or a subjective idea. And for that, I can not recommend NHA enough to others! 杰出的领袖们来分享他们的故事是非常有启发性的,让我们了解了事件是如何发生的,以及为什么它们总是重要的. NHA helped me develop my own voice and made me recognize how extremely important it is to use my voice for the greater good; in fact, it’s a necessity for all of us to speak up and work towards a healthier nation. I also loved the environment and supportiveness that camp offered. 我知道,如果有人需要就影响我们今天的问题进行深入的讨论,人们总是会在那里. We can’t turn a blind eye on those situations. NHA让我对某些科目有了更深刻的理解,这些科目有时会被BTT365忽视,并且没有给予必要的关注. I was able to grasp subjects such as the enslavement of Africans in America, ERA(争取女性平等权利的运动)和民权运动. 我从NHA学到的是,永远不要失去你改变世界的激情和目标. It’s up to our generation to wake up change and never let us sleep again. I highly recommend attending NHA. It will change your life forever. I am so glad I went!

Cate Boyette ’22

Hi! My name is Cate Boyette and I’m a junior from Hendersonville, North Carolina. I attended the National History Academy in 2022, and it was one of the most monumental experiences of my life. I had an amazing time visiting historic sites, reading and discussing case studies, listening to amazing speakers, and participating in opportunities I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. 然而,我认为我在NHA建立的友谊和联系对我来说意义最大. 我在NHA结交的朋友将是一生的朋友,即使我们有时相隔数百英里.

After returning home from camp, 我意识到我从来没有真正理解作为一个美国人意味着什么,以及这个身份的复杂性. The National History Academy will push you, and your peers will challenge you, and that’s the brilliance of this program. If you love history, this is the program for you, and if you’re worried about cost, know that there are plenty of scholarship and financial aid opportunities. NHA is truly an amazing experience and I could not recommend it enough!